The newest trend in laser skin improvement is fractional treatments and that's because they work.  Fractional laser resurfacing can dramatically improve skin texture, stimulate new collagen growth, promote skin tightening and decrease wrinkles and scars, particularly acne scars. Fractional lasers ablate microscopic columns of skin, leaving the surrounding skin, with intact stem cells and growth factors, able to heal back into the treated areas.  This can treat into the dermis (the deeper layer of skin) for better of improvement of scars and wrinkles which are deeper seated problems. At the same time, since there is a portion of the epidermis and dermis untreated, this allows for good results with less discomfort and faster recovery.

Depending on the depth of treatment and the percentage of skin treated, typical recovery is 3-5 days. Improvement of skin issues is seen during the immediate recovery period, but further improvement develops over several months as new collagen and elastin growth is stimulated.

The latest generation ProFractional XC Sciton laser allows Dr. Gelber to adjust the size and depth of each treated column as well as the percentage of skin treated for infinite customization for the patient's goals of intensity, improvement and time availble for recovery. Erbium also offers a far safer form of fractional treatment than less expensive and more commonly used fractional CO2 lasers found in most offices which carry greater risks of both hyper- and hypopigmentation or scarring.

Fractional erbium treatments can be used to improve the entire face, neck or local areas such as around the lips or eyes (a "Madonna Lift").  A series of fractional resurfacing treatments are the most effective treatment currently available to improve acne scars and other scarring. Depending upon the conditions being treated and the intensity of treatment, significant changes can be effected in a single treatment or spaced out over a series of gentler treatments with shorter recovery times. Further improvement in texture or discoloration can result by combining fractional treatments with a microlaserpeel, skintyte II or IPL/BBL.

Call us to schedule a consult and help plan that gets you the results you are looking for. (775) 298-1750 or email today!.