Hyaluronic acid products such as Juvederm and Restylene offer a beautiful option for filling out folds, wrinkles and facial features such as cheeks and lips that naturally lose volume as we age, however many would prefer a natural option which can provide larger volumes to effect a more complete rejuvenation with the potential for longer lasting results. One’s own fat tissue can be harvested in a brief, comfortable procedure. For interested patients, larger volumes of fat can be removed at the same time to improve the contour of the abdomen, flanks, back or thighs. This simple procedure is minimally invasive and requires no anesthesia.

Cellular regenerative factors naturally occurring in fat can not only provide beautiful enhancement of facial features, but can direct the body to bring increased circulation to the area, resulting in healthier overlying skin. Autologously (from one’s own body) harvested fat in which these cellular factors are enriched can restore volume to cheeks, the forehead and brows, temples, the under eye area, folds from the nose to the corners of the mouth and below the corners of the mouth, resulting in a dramatically revitalized appearance.

Treatment options are very individualized, so please call and schedule a free consultation today.