There are few of us who haven’t gazed upon the profile in a Vogue magazine ad, or even a classic Audrey Hepburn or Barbra Streisand film and not briefly coveted that razor sharp jawline. Unfortunately, for most of us, a jawline that chiseled exists only in the prime of youth or if we are truly blessed by genetics, or both. One of the most common areas patients seek out our expertise to improve is the area of the jowls, submental (beneath the chin) and neck region. Most people are bothered by some combination of four things in this area:
Skin quality. This is thinner skin, which we have often not protected well from the sun. This can result in brown spots, red/wavy texture (Poikiloderma of Civatte) and thinner, crepy texture. We offer a wide range of laser options and Dr. Gelber lectures other medical professionals on the fine points of how to obtain the best results in this region.
Fat deposits. Some people are genetically prone to accumulate fat in this area. Removal of even small amounts of fat under local anesthetic can dramatically improve the appearance of this area.
Muscular bands. For some people, especially those who are quite slender or athletic, bands of muscle can protrude or “pop” out, causing the profile to appear less smooth than is desired. These platysmal bands can easily and safely be treated with a medication which relaxes muscles, such as Botox or Xeomin.
Laxity. After a certain age, almost everyone finds that the skin in this area is not as taut and elastic. There are a range of safe techniques that can help tighten up this area and for many, help delay or avert more extreme surgical procedures.
Improving the area under the chin leaves us with many of our happiest patients, so if you have been considering improvements to the area, please contact us for a consult at or (775) 298-1750.